God is rescuing people with autism all over the globe.

God is using autistic people to teach us important lessons. Let’s make time for them and show them love, just like Jesus would. Don’t seek out the best seats, but rather spend time with those who are overlooked. Be patient and gracious, reassuring them with kind words. They see the world in a unique way and have the potential to do amazing things. Let’s welcome them in the body of Christ. 🙏

🌍 The Movement of Faith and Support for Individuals with Autism

Well, it’s that time again… it’s time for a nice cup of Joe, uh, with yours truly, Joe. If you’ve never found this channel before, this is my Christian channel. I seek to reach Christians particularly. I’ve got another Channel which many of you have before which is called Ministries and that’s aimed at unbelievers. But, this here is a a channel where we just want to teach the Bible. No sensationalism, no sort of grabbing people in, no let’s just look at the word of God together and see what the Lord does. I’ve got a bit an interesting topic for you today. I know this isn’t going to grab lots and lots of people’s attention, and the reason is this… I have a very tender heart for people with autism or in general, and I want to talk to Christians about how we support people with autism. Something wonderful has been happening recently, at least it’s something I’ve been noticing, that there’s been many autistic people who are coming to Faith. It seems to be happening a lot through the internet, but they’re coming into our churches and we’re meeting them, and it’s a wonderful thing. If you know about me, you’ll know that before I went into Christian ministry, I actually used to support a young man who had autism in the classroom as a teaching assistant. If you know anything about me, you’ll know that I’ve even family members who have autism, so it’s something very dear to my heart. I want to encourage us Christians to think about how we can support these people, and how we can make them feel like they’re included in our church body, because they are indeed in Christ. So, let’s talk about three things of how we can support autistic people.

Making Time for People with Special Needs



| "In as much as you did it for one of the least of these, my brethren, you did it for me." – Matthew 25:40 |

| "You did it to me." – Jesus Christ |

The first thing we need to consider is that we need to make sure that we make time for people with special needs. It’s easy for us, when we go to church, or when we go out into the world, to just make time for people who we like or who are like us. But the Bible says something very, very different. The Bible says that people who have additional needs, whoever they are, we need to make time for. Jesus said this in Matthew 25 at verse 40, "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it for one of the least of these my brethren, you did it for me." It’s the same idea where we’ve got people who are lonely, they’re looking for love, and you might not have the desire to naturally have a heart for people with special needs, but if you give a cup of water, if you spend time with them, say a kind word, you’re doing it for the Lord Christ. The flip side also applies. If you ignore one of these children with additional needs, you did it to the Lord. So, let’s remember to make time for those with special needs and disabilities because they are precious in the eyes of the Lord. Pray for a desire to love and cherish those with special needs, because they can teach you as many things if not more than the high and mighty people who you might naturally associate with.

Befriending Individuals with Autism or Special Needs



| "The tomb was empty. That’s why I brought nothing in my jar." – Unknown |

The second thing I’d like us to consider is befriending individuals with Autism or special needs. It’s important not to be offended by the things they say or do. They may struggle to make eye contact or engage in conversation, but they need companionship just like anyone else. It may seem like they’re being rude, but it’s simply part of who they are. As Christians, it’s important to extend patience and grace to everyone, including those with special needs. Additionally, reassure them with kindness and understanding, as they often struggle with feeling included and accepted.

"Please make time for people with additional needs and don’t always want the best seats." 🕊️

In conclusion, it’s important for us as Christians to support and embrace individuals with autism and special needs, and carry the love of Christ to everyone, regardless of their abilities or differences. By making time for them, befriending them, and reassuring them of their worth and value, we can build a more inclusive and loving community in the body of Christ.

Want to watch my prayer video? Click HERE! 💫

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