Is Netflix taking advantage of individuals with autism?

Is Netflix taking advantage of individuals with autism?

Netflix is exploiting autistic people, infantilizing them and reinforcing stereotypes. Love on the Spectrum is a cringe fest, portraying autistic people as childlike and struggling to find love. The show is uncomfortable and condescending, leading to a microaggressive portrayal of autistic individuals. The cast is not paid much, despite the emotional toll. It’s not a…

An individual with autism experiences a nervous breakdown while in an online Forza gaming lobby.

An individual with autism experiences a nervous breakdown while in an online Forza gaming lobby.

Having a nervous breakdown trying to figure out live streaming and gaming. The frustration is real, and I’m just trying to rip a fat with my axe. It’s like a burial ground of technology. Can’t even figure out how to play a game. It’s a long process, but I’ll get there. Just trying to stay…

You’re not on the autism spectrum, you’re simply privileged.

You’re not on the autism spectrum, you’re simply privileged.

Being diagnosed as autistic doesn’t make you special or unique, it just means you see the world differently. Pretending to be neurodivergent for attention is not cool. Understanding and accepting yourself is what really matters. Let’s not trivialize real struggles. Everyone has their own unique journey, let’s respect that. #StayAuthentic 😊 🧠 Summary The provided…

16 signs of autism in women often go unnoticed

16 signs of autism in women often go unnoticed

Autistic women often experience unseen, unexplained, and minimized traits that are unique to them. It’s like wearing a mask to fit in, but the truth is, everyone experiences neurodiversity in their own way. Sensory issues, social overthinking, and misnumbered dating are just a few of the challenges faced. Building understanding and acceptance is key, as…

Update on #alexbelfield and an autistic online warrior receives a 9 year sentence? #514

Update on #alexbelfield and an autistic online warrior receives a 9 year sentence? #514

Alex Belfield’s 5.5-year sentence for controversial videos seems harsh, especially when compared to a young autistic man who got 9 years for similar stalking charges. The justice system seems to be a bit off balance, don’t you think? 🤔 #JusticeSystemFail The given text provides information about Alex Bellfield, an ex-TV personality accused of stalking and…

Can You Recognize the Signs of Autism? | Finding the Middle Ground

Can You Recognize the Signs of Autism? | Finding the Middle Ground

Everyone should be appreciated for who they are, whether they fit in the "non-verbal" box or not. The world needs to accept and accommodate all individuals, regardless of differences. Sensory rooms and other accommodations should be normalized for everyone’s comfort and well-being. Autism is a superpower that sets each person apart and should be celebrated….

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Validación de la escala RAADS-R para el diagnóstico del autismo en adultos

Validación de la escala RAADS-R para el diagnóstico del autismo en adultos

Aspectos clave Detalle Enfoque del estudio Escala diagnóstica Ritvo de autismo y Asperger revisada (RAADS-R) Propósito Ayudar al diagnóstico de los trastornos del espectro autista en adultos Método Estudio de validación internacional Participantes 779 sujetos (201 TEA, 578 comparaciones) Resultados Alta sensibilidad (97%), especificidad (100%) y fiabilidad test-retest (r = .987) Conclusión La RAADS-R es una herramienta diagnóstica...