Mastering Intimacy: 9 Tricks for Adults with Autism (Part 3)

Mastering Intimacy: 9 Tricks for Adults with Autism (Part 3)

Navigating intimacy with autism? Let’s dive in! 🌟 Own your desires, they matter. 🙌 Never do what you don’t want to. 🚫 Discuss expectations upfront. 🗣️ Understand rejection sensitivity. 💔 Explore therapy for past traumas. 🛋️ Ease into touch transitions. 🌊 Use non-verbal cues for mood. 🕯️ Learn Spoon Theory for energy talk. 🥄 Stay…

¿Su hijo NO es autista? Busca estas 12 señales.

¿Su hijo NO es autista? Busca estas 12 señales.

12 señales de que su hijo NO es autista Dominar las primeras impresiones con los compañeros. Es sociable sin esfuerzo y no se estresa en situaciones sociales. Lee las expresiones faciales como un profesional. No se muestra inquieto ni tiene conductas de contención. No ser quisquilloso con la comida, probar nuevos alimentos es pan comido. Interactuar con naturalidad y no ignorarte. Maneja los cambios de rutina como...

Molesto por un podcast masivo que difunde información errónea sobre el autismo.

Molesto por un podcast masivo que difunde información errónea sobre el autismo.

Un podcast que promueve la pseudociencia sobre el autismo es frustrante y engañoso. El presentador difunde ideas peligrosas sobre la dieta cetogénica y sus supuestos beneficios para el autismo. No hay pruebas sustanciales que apoyen esta afirmación, y es fundamental no creer todo lo que se oye. El autismo no está causado por elecciones dietéticas u obesidad; es...

Título: "Escapadas imaginarias: Un cuento para mentes jóvenes"  Descripción: Sumérgete en un viaje fantástico, perfecto para niños y sesiones de lectura en voz alta.

Título: "Escapadas imaginarias: Un cuento para mentes jóvenes" Descripción: Sumérgete en un viaje fantástico, perfecto para niños y sesiones de lectura en voz alta.

Entra en Ry Storyland, donde Ry y Lucas se embarcan en un caprichoso viaje a través de su imaginación. Los mini ninjas trepan por las paredes, los dinosaurios rugen y los Legos se montan solos. Con un mapa del tesoro en la mano, descifran pistas, desvelan misterios y descubren tesoros imaginarios. Esta aventura es un testimonio de la magia de la amistad y la creatividad sin límites. 🌟🦖🗺️...

Unveiling Taurus’s Hidden Power: Surprising Revelations Await! Tarot for March 25th – 31st!

Unveiling Taurus’s Hidden Power: Surprising Revelations Await! Tarot for March 25th – 31st!

Taurus, brace yourself! A perfect storm is brewing, revealing truths that’ll rock your world. Embrace the chaos—it’s your ticket to growth. Let go of outdated beliefs, break free from comfort zones. Expect surprises in relationships, but remember, you’re the captain of your destiny. Embrace change, release the past, and step into your power. 🌪️💥 Summary:…

“Driving with Autism: How Autistic Individuals Navigate the Roads

“Driving with Autism: How Autistic Individuals Navigate the Roads

The driving experience with autism is like a wild rollercoaster. Imagine a 16-year-old taking the wheel of a Barbie Jeep and then tackling the 400 series highways like a pro. Nervous? Terrified! But hey, I survived, formed a camaraderie with Hulk Hogan, and avoided being eaten by traffic snakes. And no, I didn’t get a…

The neurotypical folks are really not doing well.

The neurotypical folks are really not doing well.

Neurotypicals are so not okay. They assume it’s okay to ignore you and make eye contact, but it’s actually super distracting for autistic people. And don’t even get me started on the misconceptions about autism. It’s not demons, it’s diversity. Plus, why are they so surprised that we want acceptance? Let’s ditch the ignorance and…

A woman with autism was mistakenly diagnosed and given the wrong medication for ten years.

A woman with autism was mistakenly diagnosed and given the wrong medication for ten years.

The misdiagnosis took a decade from a sensitive, nuanced soul. The pain silenced her, but she’s learned to accept her true self. Autism can be a unique path, a never-ending journey that requires patience and understanding. Embrace who you truly are, find your comfort in this world, let your light shine. Autism is just a…

Get ready, Sagittarius, because you’re about to experience some incredible luck! March 18th – 24th Tarot readings reveal amazing opportunities coming your way.

Get ready, Sagittarius, because you’re about to experience some incredible luck! March 18th – 24th Tarot readings reveal amazing opportunities coming your way.

"Don’t count your chickens before the egg hatches! Sagittarius, you’re in for a wild ride. Expect unexpected changes and a surge of creativity. Don’t let your guard down, but get ready to celebrate – success is coming your way. Keep an eye out for delusional people and embrace your inner glow. Something big is about…

VIRGO – “Attention! Virgo, be prepared for this situation. March 25th – 31st Tarot reading – Falling Angel!

VIRGO – “Attention! Virgo, be prepared for this situation. March 25th – 31st Tarot reading – Falling Angel!

"Don’t be fooled, Virgo! There’s a fallen angel trying to distract you with false love or comfort. Be on guard this week, purify your energy, and use discernment. There’s a powerful new love experience coming, but your intuition will guide you through the temptations. Stay neutral, avoid distractions, and embrace true love and destiny. Your…