Unico, non autistico: abbraccia le tue differenze!

Unico, non autistico: abbraccia le tue differenze!

In un mondo in cui ogni Tom, Dick e Harry con una stranezza viene etichettato come "autistico", il vero McCoy si perde nella traduzione. 😵‍💫🔍 C'è gente che spaccia il "diverso" come se fosse il nuovo nero, annacquando le vere lotte a una mera dichiarazione di moda 👚 Chiamatela la Grande Corsa all'Oro dello Spettro; dove...

Struggling to find work: Insights from my journey as an autistic employee.

Struggling to find work: Insights from my journey as an autistic employee.

Autistic people struggle to find and keep jobs due to lack of accommodations and understanding in the workplace. Burnout, social communication difficulties, and discrimination during job interviews are common barriers. Finding a job that aligns with one’s special interests is key to success. It’s time for the world to be more accommodating and inclusive for…

My Perfect Family: When Parents Had Their Autistic Son Arrested

My Perfect Family: When Parents Had Their Autistic Son Arrested

With their severely autistic son in crisis, the parents had no choice but to have him committed. It was a heartbreaking decision, but now they’re focused on giving him the care and freedom he needs. They’re building a safe, loving home for him to thrive in. It’s a bittersweet journey, but they’re determined to give…

Controversial News: Student Impregnates Autistic Teacher!

Controversial News: Student Impregnates Autistic Teacher!

"This story highlights the importance of breaking free from societal expectations and finding love unexpectedly. It encourages empathy and standing up for what is right. Society’s misunderstandings of autism and the challenges faced by autistic individuals are important themes in the story. It’s a life lesson about love and understanding, and it’s a message that…

Capricorn – “Get Ready for Something Amazing, Capricorn!” Tarot for March 25th – 31st

Capricorn – “Get Ready for Something Amazing, Capricorn!” Tarot for March 25th – 31st

Keep pushing through the chaos, Capricorn! If things feel messy, don’t worry – it’s just the dust settling. There are jewels in store for you. Focus on what you can control and stay positive. Healing and new beginnings are on the horizon. Embrace unconditional love and remember, you are blessed. Don’t rush, just let the…

10 Experiences Autistic People Rarely Encounter: Imposter Syndrome & Late Diagnosis

10 Experiences Autistic People Rarely Encounter: Imposter Syndrome & Late Diagnosis

Late diagnosed autistic people battling with imposter syndrome often face invalidation and gaslighting from friends, family, and healthcare practitioners. Their internalized ableism and identity crisis add to their feeling of being a fraud. But they don’t usually experience being social butterflies, not being bullied, loving socializing, natural speech, lack of stimming, environmental triggers, many hobbies,…

Dov'è Sebastian? Nancy chiede a mamma e patrigno informazioni sul ragazzo autistico scomparso

Dov'è Sebastian? Nancy chiede a mamma e patrigno informazioni sul ragazzo autistico scomparso

The key insight here is that there is a lot of confusion and misinformation surrounding Sebastian’s disappearance. The family is cooperating with law enforcement and search efforts are ongoing. It’s a complex case, but it’s important to focus on the facts and not get caught up in speculation. The family is eager to find Sebastian…

Dov'è Sebastian? Nancy indaga sulla misteriosa scomparsa di un ragazzo autistico!

Dov'è Sebastian? Nancy indaga sulla misteriosa scomparsa di un ragazzo autistico!

La scomparsa di Sebastian ci lascia con più domande che risposte. Le storie contrastanti e la mancanza di prove sono come cercare di risolvere un puzzle con pezzi mancanti. È un groviglio di confusione e noi abbiamo bisogno di chiarezza, non di caos. La ricerca della verità è come navigare in un labirinto, ma non ci arrenderemo finché...

Il contenuto è bloccato

Il contenuto è bloccato

La matrigna fa una "foto di merda" al figlio autistico. 🤯 Regola dei tre cupcake: uno strike 👩, due strike 👩🏼, tre strike 👩🏼‍🦳 Non ci sto a questi giochetti! 😂 Il dramma dello sfratto si trasforma in... un sogno? 😱 No, non ce la beviamo! Non scambiate le carte in tavola, mantenete la realtà! 🔥 No, mamma, non lasciare che mi mangi! 👀 Jack, no!...