Family says teen with autism was shot and killed by deputies

Family says teen with autism was shot and killed by deputies

Tragic news. A 15-year-old with autism was shot by deputies during a mental health crisis. Family called for help, but it ended in tragedy. Some say deputies went too far, others believe they had no choice. The system failed, and a young life was lost. 💔 #JusticeForRyan Key Takeaways 📌 15-year-old Ryan Gaynor, who was…



执法部门不是托儿所。不管是不是自闭症患者,挥舞武器就意味着麻烦。不能指望警察在危机中扮演治疗师。责任不在自闭症,而在行动。没有简单的答案,只有硬道理。🚔💥🚔最近在加利福尼亚州圣贝纳迪诺发生的枪杀一名 15 岁男孩的事件引发了争议,人们争论的焦点是...

Raising Three Autistic Sons: A Mother’s Journey of Love and Understanding | Our Unique Family

Raising Three Autistic Sons: A Mother’s Journey of Love and Understanding | Our Unique Family

Raising three non-verbal sons is like running a daily circus, but with extra challenges. Each son has their own unique personality and struggles. Communication is a constant battle, but finding simple solutions and maintaining a sense of humor is key. It’s a rollercoaster ride, but these special boys are the center of my world. 🎪🤹‍♂️…



我的小马》中的自闭症小马们揭示了神经多样性,弗拉茜代表了社交方面的挑战,莫德派体现了钝性沟通,而暮光之耀则展示了强迫症倾向。每个角色都为自闭症谱系增添了深度,挑战了刻板印象,促进了理解。🌈 简介 在穿越时空的逃亡和躲避时间警察的过程中,让我们...

我为自闭症幼儿设计的简单洗发程序 *小心泪水* 新产品介绍

我为自闭症幼儿设计的简单洗发程序 *小心泪水* 新产品介绍

碧昂丝的这款护发产品改变了游戏规则!🌟 我给患有自闭症的幼儿洗头时,她没有哭闹,这简直是个奇迹。产品的外观一流,闻起来也很香。此外,它非常适合所有发质,尤其是像我女儿这样的浓密卷发。强烈推荐!#HaircareMagic 🌈 An...



重要见解:这位英国自闭症厨师烹饪的不仅仅是三文鱼意大利面,他还为大家带来了一份 "包容食谱"。每一次搅拌奶油酱汁,他都在打破障碍,向人们展示,任何人,无论是否患有神经多样性,都能做出美味佳肴。这不仅仅是一道美食,更是一次次打破陈规的食谱。




Title: Coping with Online Hostility: Social Media Struggles for Autism and Autistic Communities

Title: Coping with Online Hostility: Social Media Struggles for Autism and Autistic Communities

It’s a battleground out there! Hate comments and misinformation are the villains in our social media saga. Autistic advocates face a barrage of negativity daily, but we’re not backing down. Let’s turn the tide by rallying support, bridging gaps, and finding common ground. Together, we’ll drown out the trolls and build a brighter future for…