立法机构就警方追捕一名 13 岁自闭症男孩一事展开激烈辩论。

立法机构就警方追捕一名 13 岁自闭症男孩一事展开激烈辩论。

菲律宾武装部队的行为导致一名 13 岁的自闭症男孩变得激进,在他的脑海中埋下了成为狙击手或人体炸弹的想法。法院认为,菲律宾武装部队破坏了男孩父母发起的治疗过程。这是一种可耻的滥用权力行为,必须追究相关责任人的责任😡。没有后果?



这个书呆子其实是城里最顶尖的外科医生。他就像一枚先正面后反面的书呆子硬币,但他是真正的高手。在一场涉及医生和病人的高风险游戏中,他是意想不到的王牌。这就像电影情节,只不过是现实生活。🎬👨‍⚕️ 洪医生发现...

Father refuses to accept daughter’s autistic boyfriend, but a surprising twist awaits! Sameer Bhavnani’s story.

Father refuses to accept daughter’s autistic boyfriend, but a surprising twist awaits! Sameer Bhavnani’s story.

Love is more than material things, and class isn’t defined by money. Sometimes, the most unexpected people surprise you the most. Life is full of surprises, and love can come from the most unlikely places. Kelly proved that love transcends status. Todd’s true character shone through in the end. Money doesn’t guarantee a happy ending,…

我的频道已被自闭症 YouTubers 接管!看看 @NeurodiverJENNt 和 @WoodshedTheory 的精彩内容。

我的频道已被自闭症 YouTubers 接管!看看 @NeurodiverJENNt 和 @WoodshedTheory 的精彩内容。

倦怠是很难受的,伙计。自闭症 YouTubers 帮了我大忙。对于自闭症患者来说,倦怠期是一段安静的痛苦期。认识并支持你的朋友度过倦怠期。鼓励他们,与他们交流,保持耐心和善意。让他们重新充电,专注于康复。请记住,职业倦怠没有 PTO....。




Autism-Focused Tales – A Birthday Celebration with Friends – Children’s Story Narration

Autism-Focused Tales – A Birthday Celebration with Friends – Children’s Story Narration

Ry Ry and his crew rolled up to Jackson’s birthday bash like they owned the place. 🎉 The backyard was a riot of color and laughter, with a bouncing castle that was the stuff of dreams. They took turns busting open the pinata, and when the candy rained down, it was like hitting the jackpot….



The urgent search for missing autistic teen, Sebastian Rogers, has the entire community on edge. With harsh weather and urgent medication needs, the situation is critical. The community is coming together in prayer and hope, while trained professionals continue the search. The calming nature of water and preference for confined spaces are key factors in…